Poetry / Poesi
Dikt: Burdens (färdig)
On November 18, 2014 by Usama oldBurdens The burdens of a mind unshy. Oh, no recluse ever found that ivory tower. And many there were rattling their books as they tried. Unduly in the hunt and the pry. That profligate stream of consciousness. Leaving the curious with but ever more to cry.

Poetry / Poesi
Dikt: Overthinking (färdig)
On October 30, 2014 by Usama oldOverthinking Distraught by highly incoherent dreams, I am. Bleeding out my self-esteem, In a self-conscious fear, Of a feared self-consciousness to be, I died before I lived, And I’m not done killing me. Jag hade lite tankar på att skriva en separat bok med dikter. Efter ett tag så tänkte jag att det kanske inte